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Our team of experts

Our team have built a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their respective sectors. Read below to understand a bit more about what drives them and please connect with them.

Stephen Tew

Stephen Tew

Stephen has been an Estate Agent since leaving school where he started as an office junior for a local independent estate agency before progressing through every position within estate agency, becoming a branch manager for a corporate company at the tender age of 21. Born and bred in Blackpool and still living locally, he set up his own estate agency on Highfield Road at the age of 24 and 19 years later still trades on Highfield Road, this making him the longest established and arguably the most experienced and knowledge estate agent in his area. Stephen Tew is the only estate agent in Blackpool to be an appointed member of The Guild of Property Professionals and is the only trading standards approved valuer.

Natalie Mackridge

Natalie Mackridge

Branch Manager
Hayley Mackridge

Hayley Mackridge

Onboarding Specialist
Christopher Moorcroft

Christopher Moorcroft

Sales Broker
Emily McNeill

Emily McNeill

Senior Sales Broker